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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Wafzig

One Room Challenge: Week 2

Updated: May 15, 2020

This week marks the second week of the ORC. In case you missed the previous blog post, the ORC (One Room Challenge) is a bi-annual event that bloggers and instagrammers participate in to makeover a room in 7 weeks. There is 20 Featured Designers and hundreds of guest participants. I’m a guest participant and I’m so excited to share what I’ve been working on!

This week I am tackling the range hood and wallpaper. Being at home during this pandemic and the ORC being postponed I got a jump on my space. I’m so glad I did. Ever read that book to your kid, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie ? It basically says, if you give a mouse a cookie, then he will ask for a glass of milk, when you give him the milk, he'll ask for a straw, then a napkin, and so forth.

That’s totally what I have done with this kitchen project. I promised my husband we would stay under a strict budget, with us doing all the work ourselves. But, WOW, one thing leads to the next and the next and before you know it, you have ripped out a wall.

That's a post for another time...

Today: wallpaper and range hood. Honestly, I did not go out searching for wallpaper. It kind of found me. One day (pre Covid-19) I went to my local paint and wallpaper store with my mom and sister. There in front of me was what I considered the perfect kitchen wallpaper. I asked for a sample, took it home, taped it on the wall for a week. Decided it was exactly what I wanted and sent my husband in for 2 double rolls. The wallpaper is Bersa Green Leaf. We installed it all along where a tile backsplash would be and behind the open shelving. We even put it behind the stove, with a heat resistant clear shield for extra protection and easier clean up.

On to the range hood...

My husband built our existing hood when we first moved in. It was cute, he did a great job, and I loved it. Then one evening scrolling through Pinterest I came across the dreamiest kitchen ever by Alison Kandler. The kitchen is colorful, bright and playful. Yes, you read that right; playful. Being a mom of 4, I wanted a place a kiddo feels comfortable and enjoys being in. A happy, fun, casual, bright happy space. I showed my "darling ever abiding to my design whims hubby" a sketch of what I was thinking and we hatched out a redesign of our current hood.

He removed our old hood and added the scalloped piece, plus a bit more trim at top. Inspired by my new ivy wallpaper I decided to paint the range hood green. The color I chose was Amy Howard One Step Paint in Easy Street green. To finish I applied a coat of Annie Sloan dark wax .

There you have it, week 2 of the One Room Challenge. Wallpaper and Range Hood finished. Woohoo! Now go check out the Featured Designers and the guest participants and be inspired!

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Mar 05, 2023

I LOVE everything about this kitchen!! I was wondering if your husband could be commissioned to make one for me? I live in NC and my name is Jennifer 🙂

thank you!


Jun 12, 2020

I am smitten with your green🍀


Jun 01, 2020

PRECIOUS! I, too, have loved that same hood inspiration you mentioned. Your’s has turned out just as cute! Do you have any suggestions or tips for making this hood? My husband has agreed to attempt it!


Courtney Wafzig
Courtney Wafzig
May 14, 2020

Thank you so much Jennifer!! I can’t wait to see your space!


May 14, 2020

Love the wallpaper and oh my goodness... that hood is the cutest EVER!! It reminds me of a salvaged scalloped hood I remember seeing in one of Joanna's makeovers on Fixer Upper years ago, that's always been my fave. Coming along nicely!

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